Xinran Blog

Nin hui shuo zhong-guo hua ma? (can you speak Chinese?)

Posted by Xinran on October 3, 2008

I am still on my book tour for China Witness in wintery Australia

My schedule is very busy – 19 interviews for radio, TV, newspaper and magazines and 9 talks at book stores, city hall’s and libraries in 5 cities across Australia. I arrived in Melbourne two days ago.

Do I still enjoy it? So far so good, I have always got energy from Australia, in the same way, I can see many Australians get energy from China and the Chinese. More Westerners speak Chinese here, not only because many Chinese live here, but also because most Australians are open minded people! As an example, how many world leaders can speak Chinese, the second largest language in the world? The Australian Prime Minster can!

I always say that any foreigner who can speak and read Chinese must be a genius. There are about 80,000 Chinese characters in total and at least 3773 are used daily. The Chinese study these characters from the age of 3, if they are born into families that can afford to educate their children.

The Chinese barely had a proper spoken language before the 20th century. Before then, well-educated people spoke ‘written Chinese’, and uneducated people spoke in very short sentences, or just used verbs. In many underdeveloped agricultural areas, instead of speaking long sentences with adjectives and adverbs, they used to communicate through song.

China has a pronunciation system called ‘Pinyin’ based on the same alphabet as English, and with four tones. It was set up by a group of Chinese scholars after they returned to China from Europe in the 1900s, and it was completed in 1950s by Mao Zedong’s communist government. I must say the Pinyin system has really opened up the possibility for communication between the Chinese and Westerners especially since computers have come to dominate our world!

Chinese computers have the same keyboard as Western ones, with 26 letters and numbers. Each year more and more kinds of Chinese typing software come out, appearing as fast as the new buildings in China’s big cities. For Western learners, I would say Pinyin typing is the easiest way to write characters.

For example: if you type in MA many characters appear on your computer screen – all pronounced as MA and these are ordered into different groups according to their tone. MA–, mother, question word,…; MA /, linen, a tingling feeling…; MA~, horse, shoe size,…; MA、,swear, argue… then you simply choose the right one for your word or sentence! Normally, once you have typed in a character the programme will suggest a number of connected characters for you to choose next.

Ok, I am sitting here at midnight writing this because I am too tired to sleep, but now I have to go back sleep as I have a very busy day tomorrow.

Nin hui shuo zhong-guo hua ma? (can you speak Chinese?)

Wo hui shuo zhong-guo hua. (I can speak Chinese.)


  1. Ruoxi Said,

    你好,xinran,我是位海外留学生,与故乡重隔天涯。几小时前刚阅读完《SKY BURIAL》,对天葬,我惧怕,不喜欢,即使在宗教课上对佛教有一定的了解。但我欣赏Shu Wen,Ke Jun的真爱,还有那个白云连绵,高山耸立的陌生世界。外公以前是军人,在云南目睹过”人头寨“,永生难忘。这些都促使我在年底回国后想旅游一番,看看小时候没能“看”到的东西。我没有才华写小说,却决心尽力出好一份自己的校刊,叫国际学生newsletter,青春是忙碌的,是不是?愿你的人生多姿多彩,不,你的生命已经是了。

  2. Kelly Said,

    Learning Chinese can be very difficult, but I also find it very rewarding. Although, all the characters do freak me out a bit. I’ve been studying for four years, and I can still only remember about 400…

    That’s interesting, I thought that Mandarin was a very old language. I do wonder what the old “spoken written Chinese” sounded like.

    I’m disapointed I missed your book signing in New Zealand, I should have liked to go to that. I only recently read “The good women of China” but it really opened my eyes to women’s stories, and reknewed my flagging enthusiam for Chinese.

    Xie xie


  3. Gina W Said,

    I don’t think that learning Chinese language is difficult. There are many products like books videos and schools..You can learn it very easily.

  4. Linda Sheng Said,

    SKY BURIAL 有中文版的吗?

    Moderator’s edit for English speaking readers:

    You are good!
    Does SKY BURIAL have a Chinese version?

  5. Beth Said,

    您好 Xinran,
    我是英国人,和我学习汉语。 我喜欢看您的本书,谢谢。Your books inspired me to study the Chinese language; I look forward to reading them in the original chinese, one day.

  6. Natasa Pesic Said,

    Nin hao!

    I also wanted to ask whether SKY BURIAL has a Chinese version, and if does, where can I buy it.

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